There are several reasons why a preteen or teenager may not enjoy reading. Some possible reasons could be that they find reading boring, struggle with comprehension or vocabulary, have not found the right book that interests them, or may prefer other forms of entertainment such as video games or social media. Some adolescents may even become discouraged by the negative words of their peers or trusted adults around them.
Some people need encouragement to establish or regain a love of reading. It should not be focused on what they read but on the action. People can become discouraged when reading becomes a chore. Encouraging adolescents to read can be done in several ways, such as providing them with age-appropriate books, setting aside a daily reading time, reading aloud to them, letting them choose their own books, and modeling reading as a fun and enjoyable activity. Praising and rewarding adolescents for their reading efforts and progress is also important.
*I used to participate in summer reading events at the library and win personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut every week. Buying the pizza would have been easier, but the accomplishment means so much more.
Many people are drawn to the fast-paced adventure and escape that video games provide. Comics and graphic novels combine visual artistry with a narrative that is also fast-paced. A novel uses written words to allow readers to experience new perspectives and worlds. Graphic novels are often more visually engaging, while novels offer more opportunities for detailed character development and intricate plot structures.
What Drives My Writing Style?
At a very young age, I realized that I read faster and have better comprehension when reading something I like rather than something forced on me. My sons were the same way, more willing to read when the subject piqued their interest. This often gravitated toward animals and superheroes/villains. I encouraged them to read whatever interests them. This was not always acceptable material for school-required reading.
I wanted to develop books that were easy to read but still introduced the readers to new words to expand their vocabulary organically. There is no need for every paragraph to be a philosophical question, a list of similes, or jammed with words you would never hear in a conversation. Reading does not have to be a vocabulary test.
The next goal was to create a fast-paced world with the same vibes as a video game, comic book, or anime. Allowing the reader to use their imaginations to build the vibrant environments they love seeing. I want to encourage the ability to see the world in front of us and imagine something greater that no one has ever dared to dream.
It can be easy to fall into a routine and let others lay a path for you to follow. I dare my children and other readers to take comfort in standing in the shadows of others and take the opportunity to learn and grow. Walking in that shadow of another person’s greatness can provide wisdom and support, but at some point, you can decide to step outside their shadow to cast one of your own.